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Mint ice tea to keep you feeling cool

Does mint really help you feel cool?
Think about it. You know that feeling when you are chewing peppermint gum and you suck in your breath to feel that cool fresh air…. that’s the menthol at work. In this heat wave sweeping the country, having a fesh cool minty glass of ice tea will help keep you hydrated.

Easy ways to make minty fresh ice tea to keep you feeling cool.

The easiest way to make mint ice tea, is to use a good quality mint tea bag in place of regular tea bags. Make it as you normally make ice tea.

My favorite ice tea is letting mint leaves infuse in water over night in the refrigerator. It will be ready to serve in 8 – 12 hours. You can always add strawberries, blueberries, or other fruit to naturally sweeten the ice tea.

A very refreshing infused drink is fresh mint leaves, a few slices of ginger, slices of lemon and/or lime, and cucumber slices. Pour over ice and serve. So refreshing!

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Do you have a favorite method of making mint tea? Hot or iced? Please share in the comments!